Forrest Gump (1994)

Forrest Gump (1994)
Did this really win the Oscar for Best Picture? Or was it a made-for-MTV movie of the week? Tom Hanks’ portrayal of the fictional title character (a man with a low IQ but the stereotypical “heart of gold”) whose life experiences are historic earned him his second consecutive Best Actor Oscar (the other was Philadelphia (1993)). Back to the Future (1985) trilogy director Robert Zemeckis earned his one Oscar (the only time he’s been nominated for Best Director). Its slick Editing Special Effects and Adapted Screenplay won Oscars too; Gary Sinise’s Supporting Acting was Oscar nominated. #71 on AFI’s 100 Greatest Movies list. “Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” is #40 on AFI’s 100 Greatest Movie Quotes list. #37 on AFI’s 100 Most Inspiring Movies list. Added to the National Film Registry in 2011.
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