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Flying With Music (1942)

Flying With Music (1942)

George Archainbaud directed this B Musical produced by Hal Roach which features an Oscar nominated Score from Edward Ward and the Academy Award nominated Song “Pennies for Peppino” with lyrics by Chet Forrest and Bob Wright; Louis S. Kaye and M. Coates Webster wrote the screenplay. The story (between the songs) that holds it together is pretty lame:

A debutante played by Marjorie Woodworth travels by clipper plane to the Caribbean with several of her comely girlfriends (Claudia Drake Jane Kean Jayne Hazard and Dorothy O’Kelly aka Kelly) to find a Latin lover she’d written to that had sent her an autograph picture. Her father funded the trip because she’d convinced him that it would be strictly an education excursion; he sent a chaperon (Norma Varden) along and hired an elderly guide to make sure. But the first person the girls meet is Harry Bernard (George Givot) a younger man with an annoying giggle who’s on the run from the law (Edward Gargan) and poses as the older guide (Byron Foulger uncredited) who’d been too afraid to fly in any case. Meanwhile the plane’s pilot (William Marshall) woos the debutante while the lawman’s efforts are hindered by a half-pint shyster (Jerry Bergen). Thankfully the comedy’s running time is barely 45 minutes.

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